This article is really just a blurb, and I feel a little guilty about posting it when its so small, but golly what a wonderful thing it is. It describes the recent changes New York, California, and a few other states have made to their policy regarding the granting of certain professional licenses to undocumented workers. This is the first I’ve heard of such a change, and I think it’s absolutely wonderful. The implications of such a policy are incredible. First, there would have to be a certain level of amnesty for those undocumented people receiving the new professional licenses, which can only improve their lives and the lives of their families. Second, many of these licenses would be given out in areas of shortage in our communities, such as nursing and elementary school teaching. This has a four-fold advantage: first, this helps take the burden off the other members of those professions by helping bear some of the load with newly qualified workers, second, the immigrants being given these licenses are able to work at the level at which they are qualified, which means that, third, they do not have to accept unskilled labor positions which then, fourth, frees those positions for other immigrants who may not have the qualifications for any other position.
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